You can even simplify your life by adding lighting control technology and shades in your home. From the press of a button in your home, on your remote, and even from your phone; you can set the mood by changing what lights are on, dimming them down or ramping them up, and even raise or lower all your shades. If you are settling down for the evening and want to dim all the lights or gearing up for a party and want everything bright, you can press one button to help with the chore of running all around the house making the lighting “picture perfect”.
With the right lighting system, it can even take control for you and help to protect the home, its fine finishes and furnishings, as well as your precious family members. With hidden light sensors, your shades will close to keep harmful UV from fading the wood floors, favorite fabric on the couch, or that annoying glare that keeps popping in. When the sun rises the shades begin to open staying just behind the bright sun that is creeping in. As the sun sets in the evening, the shades begin to lower staying just ahead of the bright sunset until the shades are down just before dark when all your outdoor landscape and house lighting turn on to showcase your home at night.
When integrating the lighting and shades into your other systems, we have the ability to keep in control of the entire environment while you are home and even while you are away. If a smoke detector goes off, your system will call the fire department, open all the shades, turn on all the lighting to a dimmed state, and flash all your exterior lights. If your fast asleep at night and a burglar trips the alarm, all the exterior lights begin to flash, all interior lights go to full brightness, and all shades open, and all this before they even take a step into your home. Another advantage for security is when you are away and traveling. Once the system is in vacation mode, the lighting and shades will continue to operate while you are not home. They will follow your patterns with slight variations. The days of the lamp left on, the automatic timer that turns on and off at the same time are gone. If someone is watching your house, they will have no idea if someone is home or not. In all reality, they will truly believe someone is there as they watch lights change, turn on, turn off, and shades changing throughout the day.